Experience Music Differently.

AuxBox is the result of democratizing the traditional song-listening experience. With an unparalleled focus on community building through sound, our users are guaranteed music, like never before.

How Does It Work?

AuxBox lets you open a collaborative music channel! Link your Apple Music or Spotify account and invite friends to create a playlist people won’t stop listening to. Then, like or dislike a song to move it up or down the queue. Liked the song you listened to last night? Open a channel’s history to view all the songs played and quickly export to Apple Music and Spotify.

AuxBox enhances the experience for all social places where music is played. Amazing uses of the app include nightclubs, parties, hangouts, jamming out in the car, and so much more!

Why AuxBox?

Only 1 Music Subscription Needed

AuxBox allows anyone to join a channel, even if they don't have a premium music subscription! Current support for Apple Music and Spotify (more to come!)

Channel History

Heard a song that you liked but forgot the name? Check the channel history! All songs appear in the order they were played and can be quickly exported to your music app of choice.

Built to be Social

Easily share channels with your friends. From sending them a link, to letting them scan a QR code, AuxBox makes sharing and joining channels fast and easy for the ultimate music experience.

Real-time Voting

Members can like or dislike songs in a channel’s queue, so the most popular songs get played first!

The Host Has Full Control

AuxBox gives the channel host full control over their channel. They can play any song they wish in addition to deleting and reordering songs in the queue!

Preview Music

Debating on whether or not to add a song? Any channel member can look up and preview music straight from the channel’s search results!

The Voting System

With a unique voting system, anyone in the channel can cast their vote on any song. The higher the rating of a song, the higher it appears in the queue—a true musical democracy.

Channel History

You know that feeling when you hear a good song but aren’t fast enough to catch its name? With Channel History you can view what songs were already played, your contributions, and the songs that received the highest ratings. You’ll never lose a good song again!

A Closer Look

A picture tells a thousand words; a video tells a million. With that said, we hope you enjoy this long essay of what AuxBox is all about.

Go ahead. Give it a try...

Download now from the Apple App Store

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